-Older Koreans love, love, LOVE hiking. It’s honestly a fashion show for them to wear the most intense hiking gear in the world.
- At the gym I was going to the aerobics/dance class of some sort displayed women in the most hilarious outfits/costumes…80s dance party! However, they love it. Oh and you will hardly ever see a Korean run. All they do is walk to workout; weird.
- There's random workout equipment on the walking trails and on the mountains.
- Koreans love looking at themselves in the mirrors that are plastered everywhere or with their personal mirrors. Oh so vain.
- Everyone and their baby owns a cell phone. (I’m so not cool here…phoneless) Plus cell phone charms are key to being in.
- Kids go to school from 8pm to at least 8:30pm sometimes-even 10pm! From Monday to Saturday.
- You may think that Korean people are really polite but really they might be the rudest people ever. They push, spit, never cover their mouths when they cough, and definitely treat foreigners like crap.
- They love their Soju and brewskis where you can buy in the many of GS 25’s (a convenience store chain) located on every street sometimes more than one.
- Oh and Karaoke. They love Karaoke! It’s called Norri-bong here. SOOO FUN!
- If you are dating someone it is costumed for you to have matching outfits. Watch out Chad.
- Men hear are sooo metro sexual. The way they act and dress would not fly in a lot of places in Canada. They all have purses and hold hands. True story!
- Since us foreigners look different we get a lot of stares from all ages of Koreans. Honestly take a picture with your fancy cell phone…it’ll last longer! Sorry it’s just super annoying at times.
- I swear the women were born in heals. They all have heals, hike in heals, go to the beach in heals, just love their heals.
- Oh and women showing any shoulder skin or lower back skin is seen as scandalous.
- Foreigner women here are labeled as sluts due to the Russian prostitute stereotype. (I experienced my first encounter with a real one last weekend!)
- Koreans marry for money rather than looks/personality.
- They eat so much but are sticks! WTF
- Toast shops/vendors are seen all over the place. I never would have thought toasted sandwiches would be popular here!
- It is cheaper to eat out than it is to buy groceries. BOO!
- Koreans are very whiney at all ages. Ask me someday and I’ll make the sounds they make. GAWD I want to kill that sound.
- Korea has made me cheaper than I already was…I won’t even consider spending $15 on a shirt anymore! There are some dirt cheap stores here.
- Also Korea has made me rude and I really think I’ll be coming back and not remembering how to say “Sorry!”
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