I’ve had some funny encounters with Koreans while I’ve been here because they think I’m Korea and it doesn’t help that I embraced a Korean haircut with bangs. (This was a spur-of-the-moment decision plus all haircuts are a set $10 rate. The lady told me God loves me then hacked my locks…I’m over it.) Anyways back to my story! By far the funniest/creepiest encounter was by a foreigner, who we like to call Creepy Dan. This went down a couple weeks ago at Korean lessons. This 65-year-old grease ball bee lined it towards me as we were waiting for the elevator and got right up in my face and proceeded to say “OH! You’re not Korean are you!?” I let him know that I get that a lot and no I’m not. While in the elevator he continued to stare and I made it super awkward by being my awkward self. My friends got a kick out of it. This was not the end of the Creepy Dan experience! During our 15 minute break at lessons he snagged me in one of those hard to leave talking sessions. I learned so much about Creepy Dan. He’s been in Korea for 12 years, knows 5 languages, he’s from the States, he’s a chemistry Major, and the list goes on. Once again my friends got a kick out of my “Koreaness” and Creepy Dan and tried their best not to save me from the situation! GAWD! However, Taylor pulled the “Sarah the cake is really good! You should go get some” card, which I’m grateful for and I bolted!
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Sarah. I love reading your blog. You are SO funny. xooxo
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