Hey Folks!
So the past couple of weeks have had their adventures for sure. On Halloween my school had an all day Halloween party for the kids…no teaching which was a nice break. However, Halloween is definitely forced out here in Korea cause of us foreigners. Our day started by decorating the school and dressing up. The Korean teachers did pretty much all the prep and I guess during their prep time they decided that “Sarah Teacher” would be the Korean dead woman in the traditional dress that makes anyone look a trillion pounds. SWEET. I would like to say I can rock any kind of MOO-MOO clothing…EF. Haha! I was in charge of the treasure hunt room which lead to kids to be running all over the place and not really understanding what was going on due to the excitement and of course the language barrier. In the end everyone got their candy. During the afternoon we had our elementary kids coming and going with their classes participating in the scary room, my treasure hunt, arts and crafts, face painting, and relay games. In the evening the pre-school/kinders came back dress up in their awesome costumes with their parents. From here it brought us outside for the annual “Halloween Parade” around Hwamyeong. Somewhat humiliating due to my attire and chanting “Hal-lo-ween” repeatedly but watching the kids doing their “tricks” for their treats was so cute…. They’ve been practicing for the past month for this moment. Our director brought some candy to two stores and they gave our kids their treat after their “trick “skits. The workday ended with a potluck feast back at the school thanks to the parents.
By 9:30pm I ripped home to get the real Halloween started by dressing up as a Korean workout woman. These women workout in the most ridiculous outfits at the gym I go to. HILARIOUS. I was able to get something together with the clothes I owned and what I found in the apartment from the previous tenants. GOLD! I inspired Molly and Erin to get decked out the same and we had a workout crew. We headed down to Pusan National University (PNU) for a pub-crawl. That area is a foreigner fest mixed with some Koreans so it’s a good time for sure. There were tons of people in the streets, in the bars, and a costume contest was on where the first prize was a trip to Thailand fallowed by keg parties, $100 bar tabs,etc. We ripped around till 3:30am or so then cabbed it back to the boonies (Hwamyeong). Halloween in Korea was ok…not the best I’ve had but then again it’s a forced holiday here! Plus there was no discount candy…However, I’m hoping that this Depepro holiday (some romantic, chocolate eating event) on November 11th will hook me up with some treats!
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I'm noel
of http://pescaenourense.blogspot.com/
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